Customer Service

What good customer service looks like (+examples)

Titilola Shittu
May 20, 2024

We’ve all been stuck on hold for eternity, battling automated menus that misunderstand your every word, and receiving copy-pasted email responses that do nothing to solve your problem. It’s enough to make you wonder if good customer service is just a myth.

Implementing a customer service program can significantly enhance the quality of interactions, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Excellent customer service does exist, and it can transform a frustrated customer into a loyal brand advocate. It’s about human connection, genuine empathy, and a commitment to going above and beyond.

This article shows 10 examples that will have you cheering and equip you with the skills to turn every interaction into a positive experience.

How important is good customer service?

Over 80% of customers have churned because they experienced bad customer service. Good customer service is essential for businesses. It can be the difference between a loyal customer base and a revolving door of frustrated shoppers.

It’s cheaper to retain a customer than acquire a new one. Happy and satisfied customers are more likely to stick with a brand, even if a competitor offers a similar product or service.

To deliver great customer service, businesses should utilize multiple channels such as mobile devices, laptops, social media, text apps, and live chat.

Good service can turn customers into loyal fans who will not only repurchase from you but also recommend your brand to others. Positive word-of-mouth marketing is powerful and free.

Recently, bad customer service experiences spread quickly online. Conversely, positive experiences can boost your brand reputation and make you more attractive to new customers. Research shows that 73% of customers want the ability to solve most customer service issues on their own.

Outstanding customer service can also lead to upselling and cross-selling opportunities. When good customer service representatives are empowered to resolve issues and delight customers, it can boost morale and create a more positive work environment.

Businesses can measure the success of their customer service strategies using a variety of metrics. Key performance indicators (KPIs) like customer satisfaction scores (CSAT), Net Promoter Score (NPS), and first response time are commonly used.

What makes great customer service and why?

Providing excellent customer service means going the extra mile to make sure a customer is happy and satisfied with a company's products or services.

Let’s say you bought a new gaming headset online and are excited to experience that immersive sound you've been craving. But when it arrives, you plug it in, and... silence. Nothing. You tamper with connections, check the manual, and restart your computer, but nothing. Disappointment sets in.

Here's where good customer service comes in. You contact the company's support team, bracing for an automated phone response or an impersonal chat window. Instead, you're connected with a friendly representative named Sarah.

Sarah listens patiently as you explain the issue. She doesn't make you jump through troubleshooting hoops you've already tried. She acknowledges your frustration and emphasizes that getting you up and gaming is her priority.

After a quick conversation, Sarah determined that a faulty component might be the reason. Without hesitation, she will initiate a hassle-free replacement process and waive expedited shipping to get you the new headset by tomorrow. She even offers a discount code for your next purchase to apologise for the inconvenience.

Throughout the interaction, Sarah is empathetic, professional, and efficient. She goes the extra mile, not just resolving the problem but exceeding your customer expectations. This kind of customer service means she turns a frustrating situation into a positive customer experience.

So why is this good customer service? Here's the breakdown:

  • Empathy: Sarah understood your disappointment and prioritized your desire to get back in the game.
  • Efficiency: She quickly diagnosed the problem and offered a swift solution without unnecessary steps.
  • Proactiveness: She anticipated your needs by offering expedited shipping and a discount.
  • Personalization: She addressed you by name and made the interaction feel genuine, not robotic.
  • Problem-solving: She didn't just listen to your problem, she resolved it.

Customers expect those assisting them to be extremely helpful, positive and informative. Sarah creates a memorable, positive customer experience that fosters trust and customer loyalty. You'll remember the great headset and the exceptional customer service teams that came with it.

The best customer service professionals have deep product knowledge. Most businesses that show consumers they care through customer service help increase their brand equity. This also leads to more referrals and, therefore, an increase in sales.

Key elements of excellent customer service.

Excellent customer service hinges on a few key elements that all work together to create a positive and memorable customer experience for the customer. Here are some of the most important ones:

elements of good customer service.


Empathy in good customer service is about stepping into the customer's shoes and seeing the situation from their perspective. It's about understanding their emotions, frustrations, and needs deeply. 

Imagine a customer fuming mad after a significant inconvenience. A good customer service representative who lacks empathy might get defensive or dismissive, worsening the situation.

An empathetic rep acknowledges the poor customer service one's anger, validates their feelings, and shows they care about their experience. This calms the customer and makes them more receptive to finding a solution.

When customers feel heard and understood, they're more likely to trust the service rep and believe they'll get a fair resolution. Empathy fosters a human connection, even over the phone or through chat, making the customer feel valued.

By understanding the customer's needs and the root cause of their frustration, the rep can tailor a solution that addresses the issue. It's not just about fixing the immediate problem but preventing similar situations in the future.

As a good customer service rep, you can demonstrate empathy by paying close attention to what the customer is saying, verbally and non-verbally.

Avoid interrupting and focus on understanding their situation. Let them know you understand their frustration, disappointment, or anger. Phrases like "That must be frustrating" or "I can see why you're upset" go a long way.

Empathy isn't just about feeling sorry for the customer. It's about using that understanding to create a positive outcome and build a positive customer relationship management front. Customers genuinely cared for, are more likely to become loyal brand advocates.


Responsiveness in good customer service refers to how quickly and effectively a business addresses a customer's inquiries and concerns. It's about acknowledging their needs and taking action to resolve their issues promptly. 

Prompt responses demonstrate that the business prioritizes customers' time and doesn't leave them hanging. A long wait to hear back can feel dismissive and disrespectful, especially when the company cares the customer is experiencing a problem.

When a customer has an issue, they want it resolved as soon as possible. Every minute they wait adds to their frustration. A fast response shows the business is actively working to find a solution.

Imagine contacting customer service with a simple question and getting an answer within minutes. This quick resolution leaves the customer feeling satisfied with the service.

Responsiveness demonstrates the business's commitment to its customers. Offer various ways for your customers to reach your customer service team, such customer service channels such as phone, email, live chat, and social media. This allows customers to choose their preferred method and ensures they can get help quickly.

Clear communication. 

Clear communication is about ensuring the customer completely understands the information you're conveying, and that you grasp their situation.

Unclear communication can be confusing and frustrating. Technical jargon, vague explanations, or convoluted instructions leave the customer lost and potentially more irritated than before contacting you. Clear communication ensures everyone is on the same page and avoids future complications.

Customers who understand what's happening and what to expect are more likely to trust the service rep and the process. Clear communication fosters a sense of control and keeps the customer informed, reducing anxiety and frustration.

Avoid technical jargon or industry speak. Explain things in a way that's easy to understand, even for someone unfamiliar with the product or service. Get straight to the point and avoid long-winded explanations. Focus on delivering the critical information the customer needs.

Clear communication also includes emotional tone, body language and facial expression. It helps good customer service reps navigate complex situations smoothly, build customer trust, and ensure a positive experience for everyone involved.

Problem-solving skills.

Problem-solving skills are like a superhero's utility belt in good customer service. They equip reps to tackle any obstacle a customer throws their way, turning frustrating situations into triumphs. To provide excellent customer service, one needs superb communication and problem-resolution skills.

When customers reach out with a problem, they want a solution, not just someone to listen. Strong problem-solving skills ensure the rep can identify the root cause of the issue, develop a practical solution, and implement it efficiently. A resolved problem translates to a happy customer.

Imagine a customer jumping through hoops and repeating their issue to multiple representatives for a resolution. Ineffective solving of problems wastes the customer's time and energy.

Skilled reps get it right the first time, minimizing the customer's effort and frustration. Packaging how-to content and related resources that are designed for self-service also helps.

Customers who trust the rep can fix their problem are more likely to remain loyal to the brand. Effective solving of problems demonstrates the business's commitment to resolving customer issues and exceeding expectations.

Word-of-mouth travels fast, especially in the age of social media. A customer with a positive experience will likely share it with others, enhancing the brand's reputation for excellent customer service programs too.

Truly understanding the customer's situation is crucial. Active listening skills help gather all the necessary information, while critical thinking allows the rep to analyze the problem and identify potential solutions.

Not all issues have a one-size-fits-all solution. Thinking outside the box might be necessary to find a creative solution that meets the customer's needs.

While finding a solution is essential, remember the goal is customer satisfaction. Empathy and a customer-centric approach go a long way in creating a positive experience.

By using customer service tools to hone their skills, excellent customer service representatives can become superheroes, transforming frowns into smiles and building lasting customer loyalty.

Examples of exceptional customer service.

Here are 10 engaging examples of excellent customer service that go above and beyond:

The birthday surprise.

It's a customers birthday, and they order a cake online from your bakery. Upon delivery, they discover you've included a free box of birthday cupcakes and a handwritten birthday card!

This small gesture is a great example that shows your business cares about customers more than just a transaction. This personalised experience adds a delightful touch, making you feel valued as a customer. This can truly go a long way in creating happy customers.

The proactive reach-out.

A customer's flight gets cancelled due to bad weather. They become stressed about rebooking and making it to their destination on time. A proactive business can send a call or a follow-up mail to the customer informing them about the rebooking options and even expediting a voucher to cover their unexpected stay at the airport hotel.

A proactive customer support tactic

The airline anticipated their needs and took proactive steps to minimize the inconvenience caused by the cancellation. This demonstrates great service, with their commitment to customer well-being and goes a long way in easing your frustration.

The upgrade adventure.

A customer books a standard room for a business trip and upon arrival, the receptionist informs them that due to a system error when the customer were processing the booking, you've upgraded them to a more luxurious suite.

The unexpected upgrade turns a regular stay into a special experience. It shows the hotel's willingness to go the extra mile to ensure satisfaction, even when faced with a technical issue.

The knowledge saviour.

A customers' new printer goes haywire, and they can't seem to fix it despite following the manual. They decide to contact customer support and they are expecting a lengthy troubleshooting process. Instead, the rep quickly diagnoses the issue based on the description and offers a solution that works instantly.

The rep's technical expertise and ability to solve the problem efficiently demonstrate the value of their great customer service. They saved you time and frustration, making you appreciate their knowledge and customer service tips.

The replacement royalty.

A customer orders a new pair of shoes online, but upon receiving them, they discover a faulty zipper. Dreading the return process, they contact customer service. The rep immediately apologizes and offers to expedite a free replacement, waiving the return shipping cost altogether.

The company acknowledges the inconvenience and takes full responsibility to rectify the situation. They prioritize satisfaction for existing customers by making the replacement process hassle-free, showcasing their commitment to quality and customer experience.

The discount delight.

A customer is about to abandon their online shopping cart because the total cost is slightly above their budget. Suddenly, a pop-up offers a discount code specifically for the items in their cart.

Order summary

This good deal entices you to complete the purchase and demonstrates the company's understanding of customer purchase behaviour. It feels like a personalized reward for your interest in their products.

The delivery hero.

It's pouring rain, and a customer is eagerly awaiting a food delivery. The delivery person arrives with the steaming hot meal but holds a complimentary gift umbrella for the customer.

This unexpected gesture shows the delivery person anticipated the inconvenience of the rain and took the initiative to make your experience more enjoyable. It's a small act of kindness that leaves a positive impression.

The social media fixer.

An unhappy customer voices their frustration about your product malfunction on social media, expecting little response. The company's social media team rather than trying disregard the issues, promptly reaches out and acknowledges the issue, even goes further to offer a personalized solution and a discount on the customers' next purchase.

The company uses social media effectively to address customer concerns publicly. Their responsiveness and willingness to do extra to appease you demonstrate their commitment to customer satisfaction and building brand loyalty.

The language lancer.

When travelling abroad a customer encounters a problem they can't quite explain due to a language barrier. An excellent customer service representative will patiently try to listen to problem using gestures or a translation app, eventually understanding the situation and resolving the issue.

The rep's perseverance and willingness to bridge the language gap show their dedication to helping all customers, regardless of their background. This creates a positive and delivers great customer service experience and demonstrates the importance of clear communication in great customer service.

Pet pampering.

A customer brings their your beloved dog to your vet for a routine checkup. The vet discovers the dog has a slight ear infection but nothing major. To a customers' surprise, the vet tech hands them a small bag as they leave, containing a sample bag of gentle ear cleaning solution and a chew toy for the dog.

This gesture goes beyond just treating your pet's health concern. This also acknowledges that the clinic sees the emotional bond between the owner and their pet, offering a complimentary solution and a fun treat.

Customer service quote

Great customer service isn't about following a script or simply resolving issues. It's about building genuine connections with your customers, understanding their needs, and exceeding their expectations.

With consistently good customer service and prioritizing empathy, responsiveness, clear communication, and problem-solving skills, you can create a positive customer experience.

From streamlining communication channels to our customer service systems providing powerful analytics, Simpu equips you with the tools and insights to transform customer interactions.

Great customer service is no longer a luxury, it's a necessity. The foundation for long-term success is investing in customer service and building genuine connections.

Titilola Shittu

Content Writer
Titilola enjoys writing content that resonates with a target audience. With an interest in product marketing, she understands the importance of using data to provide actionable insights that help with informed decisions. You can find her listening to music or reading African literature when she's not doing anything marketing-related.

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