
How good customer service builds brand loyalty.

Titilola Shittu
May 10, 2024

Do you know that one negative interaction can erase the years spent creating a positive marketing image?

71% of customers state that they decide to make a purchase based on the quality of a company’s customer service. So how do you cut through the noise and build a particular brand that customers rave about? 

In the midst of competing products and offers, cultivating brand loyalty is the only way to get your customers to commit. It's not a glamorous social media campaign, advertising campaign or viral video, but a strategic focus on making your customers feel valued and respected.

Let’s discuss how good customer service can turn your customers into your biggest fans.

What is brand/customer loyalty?

Brand loyalty refers to a customer's tendency to repeatedly buy from a specific brand. This goes beyond just familiarity with the particular brand; it involves a positive emotional connection and a preference for that same brand name over competitors, even if there are cheaper or seemingly similar options available.

Loyal customers consistently choose the brand they're loyal to, becoming a reliable source of revenue for other brands in the company. A loyal customer is likelier to stick with their preferred brand even if a competitor offers a lower price or similar product.

Brand loyalty is measured through customer retention, customer lifetime value, and customer satisfaction surveys. Helpful, friendly, and efficient customer service interactions create positive feelings towards the brand, making customers feel valued and respected.

When issues arise, a company's ability to resolve them effectively can turn a negative experience into a positive one, strengthening the customer's bond with the brand. Excellent customer service builds trust in the brand's commitment to its customer's satisfaction. 

Why is brand loyalty important?

Brand loyalty builds a strong and positive relationship between a company and one brand its customers. This translates to increased sales, reduced costs, and a sustainable competitive advantage. It is crucial for businesses for some reasons.

When you know how to build brand loyalty, you can retain dedicated customers who continue to drive revenue for your business.

Increases customer retention and revenue.

Loyal customers are repeat customers, which means a more stable and predictable income stream for the company. Brand loyalty occurs when consumers are willing to pay higher prices for a certain brand and go out of their way for the brand, or think highly of it. Loyal customers tend to spend more frequently and overall compared to new customers.

Reduces customer churn.

Retaining existing customers is generally cheaper than acquiring new ones. By building customer loyalty, companies don't have to constantly invest heavily in marketing and advertising to attract new customers.

Builds a loyal fanbase.

Apple has maintained a consistent brand identity since its inception in the late '70s, and that is likely one of the keys to its success. Various examples of brand loyalty show loyal customers often become brand advocates, recommending the brand to friends, family, and online. This positive word-of-mouth marketing is a powerful tool for attracting new customers without spending a dime.

Gives you a competitive advantage.

Brand loyalty can give a company a significant edge over competitors in today's competitive marketplace. Brand-loyal customers are less likely to be swayed by competitor offerings, providing stability and growth potential.

Many consumers, around 60%, frequently opt for a specific brand over others due to their anticipation of better service from that brand.

Gather helpful customer insights.

Loyal customers are a valuable source of feedback and data. They're more likely to participate in surveys, provide reviews, and offer suggestions for improvement, helping companies refine their products and services.

There are several types of brand loyalty depending on how customers behave and how observers segment that behaviour. Companies can create customer loyalty through strategies like providing reduced prices, offering discounts, and implementing rewards systems.

This type of customer loyalty program, termed transactional loyalty, focuses on tangible benefits. According to global brand loyalty statistics by Statista in 2020, 62% of respondents expressed loyalty to a brand due to its pricing.

How to build brand loyalty among your customers.

To create brand loyalty, you must build your brand strategy and objectives to further brand loyalty examples and improve customer relationships. Now that we've gone over what exceptional brand loyalty is about, here are strategies to help build brand loyalty;

Focus on creating positive customer experiences.

You must offer a positive customer experience to create customer trust and build brand loyalty. Conduct market research and gather customer feedback to understand their needs, preferences, and pain points. This will help tailor your products, services, and interactions to resonate with them.

Ensure your offerings consistently deliver the quality, features, and benefits your customers expect. Train and empower your staff to provide exceptional service, going the extra mile to resolve issues and exceed expectations.

Offer customer service through various channels to ensure easy accessibility for all customers. Some brands have crafted the art of creating memorable experiences hand loyal customers to increase brand loyalty.

Leverage customer data to suggest products or services relevant to their interests and purchase history. Actively seek feedback through surveys, reviews, and social media interactions. Use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and enhance the overall customer experience.

Build trust and credibility among the public.

Be upfront and truthful in your marketing claims. Avoid exaggerated promises or misleading information. Communicate clearly and consistently about your brand's personality, products, and services. Consistently deliver high-quality products or services that meet or exceed customer expectations.

Actively listen to feedback and concerns. Show them you value their input and take it seriously. Don't wait for customers to complain.

Be proactive in identifying and addressing potential issues. Personalize interactions with customers. Let them feel like they're dealing with real people who care about their needs.

Position yourself as a thought leader in your industry to increase brand loyalty. Share valuable insights and expertise through blog posts, social media, or even webinars. Seek out positive reviews and testimonials from reputable sources like industry publications or customer satisfaction surveys.

On social, brands can use clever combinations of copy and visuals to dive deeper into every aspect of their brand identity. If mistakes happen, be transparent about them. Acknowledge the issue, apologize sincerely, and explain what you're doing to fix it.

Work towards a fair resolution for existing customers who have encountered problems. This shows you're committed to making things right.

Connect with your customers emotionally.

Building emotional connections with your customers is a powerful way to build brand loyalty that goes beyond just transactions. Here are some strategies to achieve this:

  • Craft a brand story that resonates with your target audience. This story should communicate your brand's values, mission, and the "why" behind what you do.
  • Use storytelling, visuals, and messaging that evoke positive emotions in your customers. This could be happiness, nostalgia, inspiration, or a sense of belonging.
  • Align your brand with values that your target audience cares about. This could be environmental sustainability, social responsibility, or promoting a healthy lifestyle.
  • Use customer loyalty programs reward to incentivize customers who continue to shop with your brand. The reward system boosts sales, brings in good returns on investment and is well-liked by loyalty program members.
  • Don't be afraid to show the human side of your brand. Share behind-the-scenes glimpses, introduce your team members, and highlight the stories of your customers.
  • Go beyond basic transactions and create unique and memorable experiences for your customers. This could be exclusive events, interactive content, or personalized touches in communication.
  • Encourage customers to share their experiences with your brand on social media. User-generated content fosters a sense of community and authenticity.

To drive brand loyalty, Coca-Cola uses its marketing messages and a sense of community. With these tips, you will be able to retain satisfied customers and increase awareness of your brand while building brand loyalty with new customers.

Drive repeat business through loyalty programs.

Implement customer loyalty programs to reward loyal customers for repeat purchases. Points, discounts, or exclusive access can motivate them to keep coming back. Offer subscription options for your products or services, fostering recurring revenue, marketing costs, and building brand loyalty.

Build a community around your brand on social media platforms. Encourage customer interaction, discussions, and user-generated content. Develop a loyalty rewards program that incentivizes brand-loyal customers to recommend your brand to their network.

This could involve referral rewards or social media recognition. Partner with influential customers to promote your brand authentically to their network.

Nike's brand loyalty marketing success also has been built on a bedrock of aspirational, motivational image building. Nike uses famous athletes as brand ambassadors to great effect, but in recent years a lot of Nike's brand loyalty efforts have been focused on the omnichannel customer experience as a way to foster a sense of both community and exclusivity.

Leverage customer data to suggest products or services relevant to their past and future purchases, and browsing history. Tailor your communication based on customer segments and preferences. This keeps your messaging relevant and avoids generic marketing efforts.

Offer proactive support through live chat or knowledge base articles to anticipate and address customer needs. Reach out to customers after their purchase to ensure customer satisfaction and gather feedback.

Train your customer service agents to go the extra mile, resolve issues efficiently, and build rapport with customers.

With these marketing strategies used, you'll create a cycle of customer loyalty that encourages repeat business, positive word-of-mouth marketing, and a strong foundation for long-term customer relationships.

Consistently delivering value, fostering positive emotions, and rewarding your customers will keep them coming back for more and singing your praises.

Customer loyalty is the golden ticket – it means repeat business, positive word-of-mouth marketing, and a stable foundation for sustainable growth.

To cultivate customer loyalty, you need to prioritize excellent customer service.

We've explored how good customer service builds bridges of trust and credibility between loyal customers. It builds positive emotional connections that make your brand more than just a product or service.

You turn customers into advocates by consistently exceeding expectations, resolving issues efficiently, and showing genuine appreciation. Loyal customers are your biggest cheerleaders, recommending you to friends, family, and online communities.

Investing in customer service excellence isn't a cost, it's an investment in your brand's future. Empower your team, gather valuable customer feedback, and strive to create a seamless and positive customer journey at every touchpoint. 

Tip on building brand loyalty

Titilola Shittu

Content Writer
Titilola enjoys writing content that resonates with a target audience. With an interest in product marketing, she understands the importance of using data to provide actionable insights that help with informed decisions. You can find her listening to music or reading African literature when she's not doing anything marketing-related.

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