
7 email copywriting tips for engaging content (+examples)

Ufuoma Uvomata
August 7, 2023

Let's face it, most people don’t get excited to check their email. But what if you could change that? What if you could make people eagerly anticipate opening your emails? You can do it with engaging email copywriting.  

Imagine your email subscribers waking up, grabbing a cup of coffee or tea, and sitting down to check their emails. As they go through their inbox, something magical happens - they find themselves excitedly reading through and clicking the links in your email. 

This happens not because it offers discounts from their favorite online store, but because they are genuinely interested in your email’s content. 

Whether you're an email marketing expert or just sending a casual email, using effective copywriting in your email subject lines, body, and calls to action will make you stand out and win your readers' hearts (and clicks).

You can now delete that bland, uninspired email draft as we learn how to write creative campaigns. You might just end up looking forward to writing emails as much as your audience enjoys receiving them. 

1. Crafting attention-grabbing subject lines.

In email marketing, a killer subject line can make or break your success. This text holds the power to captivate your customers, increase email open rates, drive engagement, and boost conversions for your company.

A well-written email subject line can pique the reader's interest, create a sense of urgency, and promise valuable benefits. Crafting subject line copy that stands out is an art that blends curiosity, urgency, and benefit-driven language.

  • Curiosity killed the cat but brings emails to life.

Using curiosity in your subject lines can make your subscribers open the email campaign to find out what's inside.

For example, instead of a subject line like "New Products in Store," try "You Won't Believe What Just Arrived in Our Store." This subject line is more intriguing and makes the reader curious about what new products are in store.

  • FOMO works in emails too.

Creating a sense of urgency in your subject lines can make subscribers feel like they might miss out on something if they don't open your email and act quickly.

Use words that convey limited-time offers, deadlines, or time-sensitive promotions to encourage immediate action.

For example, instead of an email subject line like "Join our sales," try "Last day to get 50% off on our hot chicken suya.” This subject line creates a sense of urgency, making the reader feel like they must act quickly or miss out on enjoying some delicious suya at a discount.

  • Answer the question, 'What's in it for me?’

Most people are more likely to open an email if they see that there's something to gain. Using benefit-driven language in your subject lines can help your subscribers see the value in reading your emails.

Communicate the value they will receive, whether it's helpful information, exclusive deals, or valuable resources.

For example, instead of an email subject line like "New supplements available," try "Boost your immunity with these superfoods.” This email subject line clearly states the benefit of opening your email, making the reader more likely to click through and buy your supplements.

Serumize email newsletter

2. Writing clear and compelling body copy.

Before you start copywriting, be crystal clear about your main message. Stay focused on your well thought out objective, avoiding unnecessary fluff that may dilute your key point.

Understanding your customers' needs, preferences, and pain points is vital. Just like with web copy, your email copywriting should showcase how your product or service can address their unique challenges or desires. 

Here are some tips on how to write excellent copy for the body of your email. 

  • Organize with headings.

When writing copy for the body of your email, think like your reader. Organize your content with descriptive headings and subheadings to create a roadmap for your customer.

These signposts make it easy for readers to navigate your message, focusing on what interests them most.

  • Use bullet points.

People with busy schedules don’t have time to read lengthy texts. Opt for numbered or bulleted lists to deliver essential information in bite-sized chunks.

This saves time and enhances comprehension, making your message more accessible and memorable. 

  • Maintain short paragraphs.

Long paragraphs can overwhelm readers and deter them from engaging with your content. Instead, keep your paragraphs concise and impactful, allowing readers to grasp key points effortlessly.

  • Make it visually appealing.

Use relevant images, infographics, and videos to complement your text. Visuals breathe life into your email marketing copy, making it more engaging and persuasive. Ensure that the visuals enhance your message and resonate with your target audience.

Email newsletters

3. Utilizing storytelling to connect with subscribers.

Human beings are naturally wired to respond to stories and emotions. Emotional storytelling creates a personal connection with your reader, evoking feelings that motivate action.

Digital marketing emails that tell a story have a unique advantage. Storytelling allows you to connect with your subscribers on a personal level, creating an emotional bond that goes beyond a mere transaction.

Use narrative arcs to introduce relatable characters and real-life situations that resonate with your target audience. This approach will make your marketing email feel like a conversation rather than a pushy sales pitch.

  1. Evoke emotions to drive action.

Emotions are powerful motivators. When you evoke emotions like joy, excitement, empathy, or even nostalgia in your email copy, you trigger a response from your readers. This response can manifest in higher clickthrough rates, increased website visits, or even immediate conversions. The key is to identify the emotions that align with your brand and message and then artfully weave them into your emails.

  1. Provide solutions to pain points.

Understanding your customers' pain points is essential to crafting emotionally impactful emails. Address their challenges and struggles with empathy and understanding.

Show that you genuinely care about their concerns and offer solutions that demonstrate how your product or service can make a positive difference in their lives.

Newsletter samples

4. Incorporating persuasive CTAs (Call-to-Actions).

A CTA is more than just a button or a link. It is the specific instruction that tells your readers what action you want them to take next. Whether it's subscribing to a newsletter, signing up for a free account, or making a purchase, the CTA is what moves your audience toward your desired destination.

Without a clear and effective CTA, your emails may become passive pieces of content that don't convert. 

Crafting persuasive CTAs with action-oriented language.

Words hold immense power, and action-oriented language is the key to unleashing that power in your CTAs. By using strong, decisive verbs and clear instructions, you empower your readers to act with purpose.

Action-oriented language ignites curiosity and prompts an immediate response, driving higher clickthrough rates and conversions.

  • Clarity is key

Be clear and concise in your call to action. Use straightforward language that leaves no room for confusion, guiding your customer toward the intended action.

  • Empower with action verbs

Powerful action verbs like "Grab," "Discover," "Secure," and "Unlock" invoke a sense of empowerment and encourage an immediate response.

  • Customization for relevance

Personalize your CTAs to address the unique needs and interests of your target audience, making them feel valued and understood.

Infusing urgency into CTAs

Urgency is a psychological trigger that leads to quick decision-making. When your readers feel a sense of urgency, they are more likely to take immediate action rather than procrastinate.

Integrating urgency into your call to action instills a fear of missing out (FOMO), compelling your reader to seize the opportunity you’ve presented.

  • Time sensitivity

Offer time-limited promotions or exclusive deals to urge immediate action.

  • Event deadlines

Highlight registration deadlines for webinars or events to prompt timely sign-ups.

  • Scarcity appeals

If you sell products, notify readers about limited stock or limited availability to create a sense of urgency to make a purchase.

Newsletter designs

5. Adding personalization and dynamic content.

Personalization in email marketing has come beyond the simple tactic of using the recipient's name. Today's consumers expect tailored experiences that cater to their interests, needs, and pain points. 

Meeting these expectations requires a strategic and data-driven approach to deliver a highly relevant and engaging email experience.

Technology plays a significant role in enabling advanced personalization. Sophisticated email clients and marketing tools, like Simpu, provide data-driven insights to help you create hyper-targeted email campaigns.

By analyzing customer behavior and preferences, you can deliver the right message to the right person at the right time. You don’t have to send the same email to your entire list of subscribers. 

Here are some powerful strategies to take your personalization game to the next level using Simpu:

  • Create smart lists.

With smart lists, you can easily create targeted segments of customers based on certain categories. You can group your audience according to demographics, purchase history, interests, and behavior. You can then target a more personalized campaign to a specific category of subscribers.

  • Segment your audience.

With the help of segmentation, you can easily target a specific list of subscribers with different email messages. This can be used for sending out promotional campaigns to potential customers or educational emails to existing customers.

  • Use automation.

With the help of automation, you can set up various triggers that automatically send out email messages based on a user's actions. 

For example, a trigger can be set up to send welcome emails to new subscribers. You can also send abandoned cart emails when customers don’t complete a purchase on your business’s landing page. 

The dynamic content approach.

Dynamic content brings forth a new era of personalization in email marketing campaigns. It offers marketers the ability to adapt their content in real time based on individual behaviors, preferences, and demographics. 

This approach ensures that each subscriber receives content that speaks directly to their unique interests and needs.

Tips for using dynamic content.

  1. Product recommendations: Showcase products based on the customer’s browsing or purchase history, enticing them with offerings tailored to their preferences.
  2. Geotargeting: Customize promotions to include information about local events, store openings, or exclusive deals available in the recipient's area.
  3. Countdown timers: Instill a sense of urgency with dynamic countdown timers for limited-time offers or flash sales.
Good reads newsletter

6. Optimizing for mobile users.

Mobile responsiveness requires designing your email marketing campaign to adapt gracefully to various screen sizes, from mobile devices and tablets to laptops and desktops.

Using responsive design techniques helps email marketers ensure that their messages are displayed optimally. This provides a delightful experience for recipients, regardless of the device they use to access their inbox.

The impact of mobile responsiveness on user experience.

  1. Seamless navigation: Mobile-responsive emails present a clutter-free and intuitive layout that allows readers to effortlessly scroll and interact with the content. Users can access call-to-action buttons easily, driving higher click-through rates.
  2. Visual appeal: A responsive design ensures that images and text adapt fluidly to different screens, preserving the aesthetic appeal of your emails and reinforcing your brand identity.
  3. Speedy load times: Mobile-responsive emails are optimized for quick loading, reducing the chances of recipients abandoning the email due to slow load times.

Best practices for mobile-responsive emails.

  1. Simplistic layouts: Opt for clean and uncluttered designs with clear headings, bullet points, and easily scannable content to facilitate effortless reading. This also makes it easier for search engines to understand your email marketing copy.
  2. Resize-friendly images: Use images that resize gracefully across various screens, preserving image quality and enhancing the overall user experience.
  3. Readable fonts: Choose legible fonts and adequate font sizes to ensure readability, particularly on smaller screens.
  4. Short and engaging paragraphs: Good copywriting doesn’t follow specific word counts. Write bite-sized paragraphs that allow readers to scan the email quickly, grasping the main points at a glance and enticing them to delve deeper. Shorter paragraphs create white space, giving emails a clean and inviting look that captivates the reader's attention.
Wellness newsletter design

7. Testing and iterating for continuous improvement.

A/B testing involves creating two or more variations of an email and comparing their performance to identify which resonates better with your customers.

By experimenting with different elements, such as subject lines, first lines, word choice, call-to-action buttons, and email preview text, you can fine-tune your email copy to deliver the most impactful message to your readers.

Enhanced engagement and conversions.

  1. Subject line variation: A/B testing allows you to test different subject lines, unveiling the ones that compel recipients to open your emails, and increasing engagement from the get-go. A subtle tweak, such as incorporating personalization or adding a sense of urgency, can lead to significant increases in email open rates.
  2. First-line experimentation: Testing different first lines, whether they are personalized greetings or compelling questions, can set the tone for the entire email and increase engagement.
  3. Irresistible CTAs: A/B testing helps you identify the most effective call-to-action language and design that motivate subscribers to click through and convert.

Best practices for effective A/B testing

  1. Focus on one element: To gain clear insights, test one element at a time, whether it's the subject line, first line, or call-to-action, keeping all other components consistent.
  2. Meaningful sample size: Ensure your sample size is large enough to yield meaningful results and draw accurate conclusions from your A/B test.
  3. Continuous iteration: A/B testing is an ongoing process; continue to refine and optimize your email copy based on insights gained from each test.

Metrics for measuring A/B testing success

Monitoring the performance of each A/B test variation helps you objectively assess what elements of your email copy generate better engagement and drive desired actions.

  1. Open Rate: Measure the open rate of each email variation to identify which subject lines and preview text effectively pique the recipients' curiosity and encourage them to open the email.
  2. Click-Through Rate (CTR): Track the CTR to understand which email copy and call-to-action language resonate most with your audience, prompting them to click and explore further.
  3. Conversion Rate: Analyze the conversion rate to gauge which email variation successfully compels recipients to take the desired action, whether it's making a purchase, signing up, or downloading a resource.

The wholeness of analysis: beyond individual metrics

  1. Holistic Insights: Combine and analyze multiple metrics to gain a comprehensive understanding of each email variation's performance.
  2. Segmentation Strategies: Utilize A/B test results across different segments to tailor your emails and create personalized experiences for diverse groups.
Facebook newsletter

In conclusion, embracing these copywriting tips would transform your email campaigns into captivating and persuasive experiences. By crafting effective email copy that resonates with your readers, you can build stronger connections and drive higher engagement and conversions.

Remember, writing compelling emails is an art that requires understanding your readers, strategically incorporating emotions and storytelling, and leveraging data-driven personalization.

By continuously experimenting and refining your email copy, you can optimize performance and create meaningful experiences that keep your subscribers eagerly anticipating each message.

Read: How to use Simpu to send email marketing campaigns.

Ufuoma Uvomata

Content Writer
Ufuoma is a writer who creates website copy, SEO articles, scripts, blog posts, and short stories for companies in several industries. If you meet her, ask about her plants.

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