Building a Customer Centric Culture

In an era where technology evolves daily, the true differentiator for businesses is not just innovation, but a relentless focus on the customer. Dive deep into the heart of two of Africa's most successful startups and uncover the strategies, philosophies, and values that place their customers at the center of everything they do.

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Featuring customer success leaders from:

Here's what you will learn

  • Understand the core principles behind building a business that prioritizes its customers above all else.
  • Gain insights into the operations and philosophies of two of Africa's leading startups: Paystack and Piggyvest.
  • Discover the key metrics both companies use to track and enhance customer satisfaction, and how you can implement them in your business.
  • Explore the unique challenges and opportunities of the B2B & B2C sector, and how to navigate them effectively.
  • Learn how these top companies handle potential crises and stay ahead of social media trends.
  • The art of educating and empowering customers as a potent tool for fostering engagement and loyalty.
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